Haywood County Sheriff's Office

Welcome to the Haywood County Sheriff's Office

Office of the People

Welcome to the Haywood County Sheriff's Office

Office of the People
Haywood County Sheriff's Office

Welcome to the Haywood County Sheriff's Office

Office of the People

Welcome to the Haywood County Sheriff's Office

Office of the People

Message from the Sheriff

“ I am honored to serve the people of Haywood County with leadership, integrity, and strength. I want every citizen to rest well knowing that we will defend your God given rights protected by our Constitution with everything we have. My door will always be open to you, the people of Haywood County; the Sheriff’s office is your office, and I am privileged to have your trust to serve in it. May God bless you, Haywood County, the State of North Carolina and may God bless the United States of America.”

Sheriff Bill Wilke

The Haywood County Sheriff’s Office is an office of the people.

Our Mission

The Haywood County Sheriff’s Office will use every resource at our disposal to protect our God given rights as intended by our federal and state constitutions; to suppress crime and bring perpetrators before a court of law affording all due process; to maintain a safe, efficient, and effective detention center; to work with and promote the efficiency of our court system; to promote the well-being of our county in every way possible; to provide the most effective and professional services possible; and to carry with us and display the integrity and transparency of our actions as we serve.

Our Vision

The men and women of the Haywood County Sheriff’s Office seek excellence in Leadership for the communities we serve, Integrity in the actions we take whether in public or private, and Strength in making decisions that support our mission.

About Us

The Haywood County Sheriff’s Office is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week regardless of holidays or adverse weather conditions. We seek to diligently maintain the highest level of integrity, honor, and professionalism during any and all situations.

Job Opportunities